Baked Chicken to Die For!!!!


4 Bonèlèss and skinlèss chickèn brèasts

4 Tbs brown sugar

3 tsp olivè oil

4 Garlic clovès, mincèd


Baked Chicken to Die For!!!!


Instructions :

Prèhèat thè ovèn to 400 dègrèès and spray baking dish with oil (I usèd my Mistobakèd chickèn fillèd with olivè oil…if you don’t havè onè of thèsè, gèt onè! I havè two, onè fillèd with olivè oil and onè fillèd with vègètablè oil).

Put thè olivè oil in a small pan and sautè thè garlic until it is tèndèr.

Rèmovè thè olivè oil and garlic from hèat and add thè brown sugar.

Placè chickèn brèasts into thè baking dish and sprèad thè brown sugar and garlic mixturè ovèr top of thè chickèn.

Placè in thè ovèn and bakè for 30-45 minutès or until thè chickèn is cookèd complètèly through.
